Are you navigating the challenges of a male-dominated field?

Feeling your contributions are undervalued?

Facing barriers to advancement and equitable recognition?

Introducing "The Alchemy Compass" – your catalyst for change in the workplace.

The Alchemy Compass

8-Week Coaching Course with Rhonda Skallan, Career & Empowerment Coach

This 8-week Workshop is designed for youWomen who are determined to shatter glass ceilings in industries where the scales have been historically tipped.

"The Alchemy Compass" is more than a workshop; it's a movement toward redefining leadership and success for women in construction, finance, and beyond. With Rhonda's expert guidance, you'll unlock the tools to:

  • Amplify your voice in spaces where it's been diminished.
  • Navigate the complexities of professional growth amidst gender biases.
  • Advocate for your worth, securing the pay raises and respect you deserve.

Join a community of ambitious women ready to transform their careers and redefine what it means to lead in a male-dominated field. Your journey to becoming an empowered female leader starts here.

Empower Your Leadership. Enroll Today.

Rhonda's 8-Week Intensive Workshop is more than just a live group coaching workshop; it's a transformative journey designed to reshape your professional mindset and strategies.

It's for those who love their careers but are held back by the nagging doubt of their own worthiness for advancement.

This workshop challenges the deep-seated belief many women have been conditioned to accept: that asking for more is overreaching. It's time to dismantle this illusion and step into your power.

Why This Workshop Is a Game-Changer for You:

  • Empowerment for the Undervalued Leader: You know your worth. Now it's about making sure others see it too. This workshop is for women poised for that next career milestone, be it a promotion, a significant project lead, or a complete career pivot—especially in fields where your presence is groundbreaking.
  • Tailored for Female Pioneers: Whether you're steering the helm in a boardroom, leading a team on a construction site, or innovating in tech, healthcare, real estate, or government, this workshop equips you to assert your authority and lead with conviction.
  • A Beacon for Change Makers: If you're determined to challenge the norm, address biases, and overcome the hurdles specific to your field, this workshop will arm you with the insights and strategies to do so effectively.
  • Advocates for Inclusive Cultures: For those committed to fostering workplaces that not only talk about DEI but live it every day, attracting and nurturing top talent through genuine collaboration and respect.

Rhonda's workshop isn't just about climbing the career ladder; it's about redefining what that ladder looks like for women in male-dominated industries. It's about standing tall, asking for what you deserve with confidence, and paving the way for those who follow.

Join us on this journey to transform how you see yourself in your career and how the world sees you as a leader.

Transform Your Career. Sign Up Today.
Start Your Career Transformation Today.

A look inside…


Week 1: The Awakening

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. This week is all about laying the foundation for your growth. Through self-care exploration tools, meditation, journaling, and affirmations, you'll start to peel back the layers, uncovering your true potential. It's time to prioritize yourself, recognizing that personal well-being is the bedrock of professional success.

 Week 2: Identity

Unveil the invisible forces shaping your professional path. We'll dive deep into the barriers that have subtly held you back, empowering you with strategies to dismantle them. This week is about reclaiming your identity and understanding that you are not defined by your challenges but by how you overcome them.

Week 3: Predictable Surprises

Anticipate the unexpected. By identifying common hurdles in advance, you'll master the art of navigating challenges with grace and agility. This week equips you with the foresight and tools to turn potential setbacks into stepping stones.

Weeks 4 & 5: Emergenetics

Unlock the secrets of your unique personality profile. Through tailored assessments, you'll gain insights into your communication style and cognitive preferences, enhancing teamwork and mutual understanding. These two weeks are about leveraging your natural strengths to foster a harmonious and productive workplace.

Week 6: Financial Clarity

Gain a crystal-clear understanding of your financial landscape. With detailed assessments, we'll map out a strategy that aligns your career aspirations with your personal financial goals, ensuring that every decision is informed and impactful.

Week 7: Empowerment Dynamics

Step out of the shadows of the dreaded drama triangle and into the light of empowerment. This week is about cultivating a positive, professional, and inclusive environment, where every challenge is met with resilience and every interaction is an opportunity for growth.

Week 8: Culmination

All roads lead to this moment of integration and forward momentum. Reflecting on your journey, you'll weave together the threads of knowledge and experience gained, ready to claim the career position you've been aiming for. With newfound confidence and clarity, step boldly into the future you deserve.

Meet Rhonda Skallan

Elevating Ambitious Women Through the Power Of Community

From selling nightcrawlers in the Smoky Mountains as a child to leading projects worth billions as a professional, my journey was carved by determination. Virginia Tech and Regis University are where I studied, but real-world challenges are where I found my true passion and strength as a woman in a man’s world.

With diverse experiences spanning healthcare, entertainment, tech, and construction, I've consistently defied norms and navigated male-dominated dynamics with tenacity. I'm proud to say, "I'm a badass" – both professionally and personally.

Outside of the office, I’m a nationally recognized speaker, and the driving force behind “Construction with a Touch of Grace,” championing women in industries where they’re outnumbered but never outclassed. In addition, I’m a theater enthusiast and photographer, I read over 70 books a year, and love a good art project.

I’ve realized the unmatched power of a tribe of women, united in purpose and ambition. This force is precisely what forms the foundation of the coaching program I have created. I’ve been at the intersection where ambition meets doubt, and it’s my mission to ensure that no woman stands there alone. Together, we’ll harness collective strength to pave a path of confidence and empowerment.

Whether you’re commanding a boardroom, leading a construction site, or wherever you find yourself working within a male-dominated career, my aim is to amplify your voice and make yourself heard and valued. 

Remember, in these power industries, women aren’t merely participants, they’re the game-changers. Let’s redefine the rules and reshape the board.

Unlock Your Potential. Enroll Today.